Bátor Tábor

2022.10.29.by Bóna Roland

At SONEAS Chemicals Ltd. (UQUIFA group member), we believe it is important to encourage our colleagues in taking up various activities outside of work, one of them being sports. In accordance to this, we would like to present them with a lifetime of an experience, whilst supporting a good cause.

With the full support of Soneas, sixteen of our colleagues will be set out to complete the 42,195 meters of the authentic marathon in Athens, where tradition, sporting history, and the love for running will meet at one place to support Bátor Tábor Foundation.
Let’s support this wonderful gesture together in the form of donations which will be later forwarded to help the good cause of Bátor Tábor Foundation.

If you would like to support the Bátor Tábor, you can do so at the following link: https://lnkd.in/dpvUQrdN