Acid chloride preparations
Alkylation (for example with diethyl sulfate)
Carbene additions
Carbonylation with CO
Cryogenic reactions (-70 °C ÷ -60 °C)
Cyclopentadiene chemistry
Diazotation (for example Sandmeyer)
Diels Alder reactions
Friedel-Crafts reactions
Bromination with Bromine
Chlorination, by using chlorinating reagents (for example NCS)
Fluorination, by using fluorinating reagents(for example DAST, XtalFluor)
High temperature reactions (150-250 °C)
Homogeneous catalytic coupling reactions
Hydrazine reaction
Hydroxyethylation/propylation with ethylene and propylene oxide
Metathesis reactions (with Mo, W, Ru catalyst)
Optical resolutions
Organo peroxide chemistry
Organometallic reagents (Grignard, Organolithium, Metal Hydrides)
Synthesis of boron organic compounds (for example organic boronic acids)
Triphosgene chemistry
R&D Laboratories, Pilot, cGMP Plant and Large Scale Manufacturing sites
R&D Laboratories, Pilot
R&D Laboratories, cGMP Plant and Large Scale Manufacturing sites
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